There are now many low-quality raw materials, and some manufacturers choose that option to reduce costs. The consumer really has to be careful because of the huge amount of misleading information in the marketplace today.
Our products are certified safe. We hold high criteria for raw materials when we develop our products. Our mission is to manufacture products with superior quality and exquisite comfort.
International tests are conducted on a regular basis through a third party, such as the Hong Kong Safety Institute and the SGS Group, on our bedding collection. We have obtained the Hong Kong Safety Mark License continuously for four years. We are proud to display the following certificates and memberships which are affiliated with our bedding collection. For information about each certificate, click the picture to read more.
We obtained certificates from the following tests:
- AZO Test
- Formaldehyde Test
- Antibacterial Assessment Test
- Thread Count Test
- BS 7175 Flame-resistant Fiber Pillow Test
- BS 7175 Flame-resistant Latex Pillow Test
- BS 7175 Flame-resistant Comfort Healthy Pillow Test
- BS6807 Flame-resistant Healthy Mattress PVC Test
- BS7177 Flame-resistant Healthy Mattress 100% Cotton Test
- BS7176 Health Flame-resistant Mattress Test
- BS 7177 Health Flame-resistant Mattress Test
- BS 7177 Elastic Flame-resistant Mattress Test
- BS 7177 Hard Elastic Flame-resistant Mattress Test
- BS 7177 Royal Polo® Flame-resistant Spring Mattress Test
- BS 7177 Royal Polo® Flame-resistant Bed Base Test